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Release Notes

Jul 6, 2022

First release.

Jul 8, 2022

Added link to MDRM (data dictionary) script, added info regarding data dictionaries

Jul 11, 2022

Added repo and reference for the Universal Data Collector

Jul 14, 2022

  • Updated the scripts-toolkit
  • Updated Bank Regulatory Data with information on the "historical" Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago datasets.

Jul 18, 2022

  • Added section on attributes data

Jul 20, 2022

  • Fixed spelling errors
  • Added "data resource library" section
  • Added draft UBPR section

Jul 27, 2022

  • Added the ffiec-data-connect package
  • Minor edits

August 13, 2022

  • Added info on BankDataBot

August 14, 2022

  • Added more info on BankDataBot
  • Updated index table of contents

Aug 31, 2022

  • Due to time limitations, BankDataBot will be on hold for now.
  • Changed from MIT License to CC BY 4.0 license to remove copyright